
Youtube App Update Bug

youtube app update bug

A new bug in the YouTube Music app on Android and iOS is causing playlist items to become unavailable. This issue appears to affect both catalog songs and user-uploaded music alike.

On 12.02.19 an update went out on Xbox 1. It changed the look of the YouTube app. I went through a few searches and noticed after 2 dozen videos it began to repeat the search results. No matter how far I scroll forward, it keeps repeating the results over and over instead of displaying more.

An odd bug this evening sees the Google Play Store prompt users to re-download Android app updates that they already have installed on their devices.

Apple says Instagram is using cameras without permission on iPhones with iOS 14 update, but app calls it a bug. The matter sparked a controversy after a user shared a screenshot of the behavior on Twitter but Instagram said they are working to fix the 'bug'

With this iOS update to version 3.49.2 you will find that the fast forward bug has now been fixed as well as several smaller updates. Sadly YouTube TV only says they have updated the app for “Bug fixes and stability improvements” but our readers say the update also improves the ability to fast forward more than 15 seconds.

With this latest update of both Youtube apps the Navigation freezes when using the (Apple) iOS Remote app. The freezing of Navigation is random and the only way to un fix it is to restart AppleTV. Not sure if the bug is on the iOS app side or on the Youtube apps side ad both the Apple Remote app and the Youtube apps were updated at the same time.

In version 12.45 of the YouTube app, the company lists a single change: "Fixed an issue with battery usage." In an email response, a YouTube spokesperson says the issue was actually fixed in.

The latest iOS 13.5 update does bring about drastic changed to the device but the changelog of the update does not mention Mail anywhere. It can be assumed that Apple has not worked on the Mail app along with the recent update as it has previously stated that the vulnerabilities brought to light by various developers surrounding the Mail app.

Youtube is the world's largest online video website.. @freddyrace14 @mamoobonnie @w_ellence @ICanPlainlySee @YouTube @LindseyGrahamSC @JebBush @FBI @Yahoo Calendars had a Bug. Issues with @RSAsecurity keys and ⏰. @Mystic595 @Asharib38531141 @beta_mcpe1 They're not adding sweeping edge because that is part of the 1.9 combat update and.

Please fix this bug! I love YouTube, Its my most used app on my phone, it's. A great app and super helpful and entertaining. However, lately my YouTube recommendations have been really weird. The app keeps recommending content I don't watch and am not interested in such as sports videos, wildlife videos, random music video's, gaming video's, etc.

The update was apparently rolled out to mitigate the flaw. And that’s exactly what the new app updates did. They overwrote the parts of the apps that were causing trouble. The issue had affected several popular apps, including the likes of Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube, Discord,, and a few others.