
Mi Score App

mi score app

Download MiScore from the App Store or Google Play Store. Add your home club and login using your membership username and password. To begin using the app in a competition, simply select a playing partner in your group to mark for and then continue score entry. Score by applying a gross score value for each hole before swiping to the next.

A suggestion, when using the social scoring part of the app (ie not for competition or anything serious) would there be a way to add all 4 players of the group to the app? Save having two different people scoring the one round. I noticed you can add one player so you score 2 people, but it would be nice to add all 4 players :) Developer Response ,

In the scoring interface, only apply the gross score as the app will calculate the points automatically. To apply a score you can press the Par value and then use + plus or - minus buttons to get to the required gross score value. Do this for your own score as well. If a player wipes a hole then Press the P button to apply a pickup.

MiScore provides golfers with a method of digital scoring for official club competitions run through MiClub. Login to your home club and submit gross scores as a marker while tracking your pace of play and viewing GPS distance from the pin.

Score by applying a gross score value for each hole before swiping left to the next hole. When all scores are entered, submit the player scores. After scoring on the MiScore App, please sign as the marker and include the initials of your playing partner in the ‘player’ box. Please, for the safety of yourself and any playing partners, DO NOT.

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Marker - The person's who's score is recorded for the competition and can be accessed in Edit Scorecard. How to transfer the Marker's score from the Player's score record when only one player in a pair is scoring on MiScore App. Other options for score of marker. Player can enter scores at end of round if not wanting to use phone on course

The MiScore App module is activated within the MiClub Golf or OneGolf product. Once activated, GPS coordinates can be configured that allow players to see distance from the pin in app. Members will also be able to digitally score for guest players using the app. Member notification

WGC Members and registered public players now have access to digital scoring called ‘MiScore’ when playing at Wembley golf course on their own mobile devices via the latest R&A approved scoring app. Developed by local WA business MiClub; especially for handicapping competition golf scores for golfers who have an official GA handicap and now for social play (without offical handicaps)

How to score competitions with the MiScore app. Competition Play - Select Playing Partner. Competition Play - Using Distance to Pin. Competition Play - Device Setup & Course Etiquette. See all 6 articles. Competition Types - Scoring 0. MiScore - Social Play. Social Play - Scoring 1. Score a Social Round.

The app is free to use until 30 September, after that you can continue to use it by paying a subscription fee of $16.50 per annum to MiClub through the Apple App store or Google Play. MiScore App MiScore provides Australian golfers with a method of digital scoring for Stableford, Par, or Stroke competitions.